
Eco West Events

 Unique Profiles
Wednesday 5 March, 2014

Dear Parents,
Room 24 Unique Profiles
As part of our e-learning and learning about how we are all unique, could you please help your child write about their name and their culture on the Room 24 blog. There is a special link on the Room 24 blog that will take you to a Google programme called Padlet. You will need a password. Only Room 24 parents and children can view and write on it.

I have already written something about me on the Padlet link to give you an idea of what you and your child may like to write.

The password is: room24

Please type in the password on the blog and have a go. Please have your child’s unique profile completed by next week, Friday 14 March.

Also coming home are some bag tags to help children remember how to write their names, address and phone number. Please help your child fill in these with small writing and return them in a tidy state in their book bags. We will laminate them and attach them to bags in class.

Thank you

Fleur Tuck

Beach Trip
Monday 17 February 2014

Dear Parents / caregivers

Ara Teina are pleased to announce our annual Family Fun Beach Picnic.  A visit to Cornwallis Beach is planned for our Y1’s Tuesday 4th MARCH and our Y2’s Thursday 6th March. 

On the days of the trips we will travelling by bus and will be leaving school at approximately 9:15am. We will arrive back at school at approximately 2:30pm. 

As we wish to keep costs to a minimum, we ask all parents to meet us at Cornwallis Beach.  If you are able to provide transport for other parents could you let your child’s class teacher know.

The total cost for a return bus fare to the beach will be $5 for Loyalty card holders and $7 for non-loyalty card holders.  
For the beach trip your child will need:
Packed lunch and water bottle                                          
Togs and towel
Appropriate footwear                                             
Appropriate clothing (not uniform)

Please let your child’s teacher know before the trip, if your child requires any medication to take with them on the day.

We ask that water toys and inflatables are not brought on the trip.

If it is raining the visit will be cancelled and costs incurred will be transferred to next term’s trip.

Shenita Prasad - Team Leader for Ara Teina ( )                 
I do / do not give permission for my child _____________________ to attend Cornwallis Beach on
o Tuesday 4th March for Y1’s
o Thursday 6th March for Y2’s
o I enclose $5 and my Loyalty card number is:- ________
o I enclose $7
o I am able to come on the trip.  Yes / No
o I can provide transport for other parents.  Yes / No
Email or mobile number: ________________                 Signed: ______________________

Assemblage Art
January 2014

Dear parents,
This year the topic Ara Teina will be focusing on is Sustainability.  We hope to explore different facets of this very important concept each term during the year. 

During Term 1 the children will be learning that they are unique and talented individuals, each having a part to play in the classroom and within our school.  The concept of being unique will be explored through Visual Art with the children creating a piece of ‘assemblage art’ that reflects their likes and passions.  (Assemblage art is when an artist collects used objects and assembles them into a 2 or 3 dimensional work of art.)  We are excited to promote the idea of reusing and recycling items to generate good quality art.  Here are two examples of the kind of artwork we will be making this term. 

How you can help…
v  Firstly, please help your child to complete the ‘My Favourite Things worksheet.  This will help your child identify the things they really love and what they could use in their assemblage artwork.  Please return the worksheet to your classroom teacher as soon as possible.
v  Next, we need your help to collect the following items ...
·      small boxes (shoe boxes or slightly larger boxes are perfect), & little boxes that can fit inside it
·      ribbons, scrap fabric (such as flat fats/fat quarters), beads, old jewellery, acrylic paint... in fact, any craft materials would be useful!
·      5 or 6 little items that could be displayed inside the box that reflect your child’s interests, for example, a toy car, a wrapper from a favourite lolly, a piece of lego, a Barbie doll, an outgrown item of clothing, an old headband, a loved toy, a photo of your family...

Thank you for your help!  We look forward to seeing some amazing artwork later this term!

Please be in touch if you have any questions.

Ara Teina teachers

Back to School BBQ
Room 24 Start of Year Letter

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