Saturday 13 July 2013

Happy Holidays

Happy holidays children! We started reading Roald Dahl's 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.' Thank you Finlay for bringing in the original version of the movie - what a treat for the last day of term!

To keep up your learning, here are some ideas you may like to follow over the holidays:

  • Reading - go to the New Lynn Library regularly - there is an easy-to-read children's section. At home, do a combination of reading to your parents and them reading to you. You may like Mum and Dad to read you a Roald Dahl chapter book each night. Think about how he writes.... does he use similes, good describing words, feelings...? What does he do that you could add to your writing?
  • Essential Spelling List words ('Spelling Homework' page) - practise five or more words everyday until you have mastered them. If you know these words then it will speed up your creative writing.
  • Maths - print basic facts sheets ('Basic Facts' page). Time yourself to do better each time. Practise the maths games under the 'Websites' page - there are new ones for each group: Cubes, Triangles, Pyramids and Spheres.
And finally, here's a photo and video from the last day of term... Miss Korver and I very much look forward to seeing you next term!

Miss Korver and Fleur Tuck
Room 24 like to learn even before the morning bell!

Click here for a star hula hoop performance by Paige that happened in the last 5 minutes of Friday!

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