You might wonder what Arahoe means?
- "Ara" means path, and "hoe" means paddle.
It is believed that Arahoe Road may have been given its name because of the isthmus of narrow land between the Waitemata and Manukau Harbours. Maori used to pick up their waka (canoe) and hoe (paddle) and walk across the isthmus of Waterview/New Lynn/Blockhouse Bay to get to the other harbour more easily.
Ara Teina means "path of the little brother/sister."
Ara Pakeke means "path of the middle brother/sister."
Ara Tuakana means "path of the older brother/sister."
Ara Huaanga means "path of the cousin."
...hence the names of the syndicates of our school.
Aroha nui
Fleur Tuck