Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Enoho ra

Enoho ra (good bye) for now Room 24 children and parents. It has been an absolute pleasure teaching such a wonderful bunch of children and I will miss you all.

I'll pop in and see you sometime soon. Be good to your new teacher!

Fleur Tuck xxx

True Colours Finale

All the colours of the rainbow were out in force on the dance floor for Ara Teina's dance interpretations to True Colours. The children did a wonderful job with so much talent... so many twinkle toes dancing their magic. We showed the sadness, craziness and happiness of such a lovely song.

Congratulations Room 24 children for being organised and knowing all your movements.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Please bring black clothes for True Colours

The last of the 5 years olds

We are now officially a class of six year olds. Elsa turned  six yesterday and we had a lovely party with the birthday girl. Thank you for being such a gracious host, Elsa!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Basic Facts Legends

We just love basic facts. Congratulations to Anya for progressing to the EA stage (Early Additive). Also, congratulations to Elsa and Dylan for progressing to the AC stage (Advanced Counting). You have worked so hard to get to a new stage - ka pai for all your good work!

Constable Carl

Constable Carl came to visit us to talk to us about secrets and tricks.
We learned that there are good secrets and bad secrets. A bad secret is when someone makes you keep a secret that makes you feel bad e.g. "Don't tell, or I'll be mean to you."

The children learned about who to tell if this happens: parents, teacher, police ...

We learned that people can play tricks on us like, "I've got puppies in my car, do you want to see them?" We learned to say, "No, thank you" and go to the nearest safe adult.

Thank you Constable Carl for your lesson!


Just a reminder about hats. The sun's rays are still very hot at the moment and there are two weeks left of school. Please ensure your child wears a hat to school everyday. If they have misplaced their school hat then they can come to school with a cap temporarily.

Thank you

Parent Teacher Discussions

Kia ora

Parent teacher discussions are on next week, Monday and Wednesday 14 and 16 April. To book a time with me (3:00pm onwards) please follow the link on the Arahoe School website, or click here.

It will be great to discuss your child's learning, successes and next learning steps.

Warmest regards
Fleur Tuck

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Anya's photo is in a book

Anya was the star today and she brought in something that is special to her and her family. It was a book about children in New Zealand... and there was a photo of Anya and her sister!

We thought it was very special that Anya got to be in a book and we loved seeing her photo of when she was three years old.