Thursday, 26 September 2013

It's movie time

Tomorrow, for the last day of term... after our basic facts, spelling and art... we will get to watch an absolutely fantastic movie and eat delicious popcorn. I'll provide plenty of popcorn for everyone.

If you would like to bring something along, you are very welcome.

Happy holidays everyone!

Mrs Fleur Tuck

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

An imaginary germ... in your lounge

We're writing about an imaginary germ... come into class to look at our work.

Go Team New Zealand!

We are a nation of waka sailors and here is our story... check out this clip on Maui...

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Fun timers

Would you like a fun timer to time yourself for basic facts?
Well, click here for fun timers!

Petri dishes

We are learning to write instructions. We are also learning about germs - we have been doing experiments on them. Have a look at the slideshow below... and prepare to be amazed!
Room 24 tested areas around the classroom for germs.

dirty hands
clean hands
cotton buds
petri dish
sticky tape

1. Dip dirty fingers in a petri dish.
2. Dip washed fingers in a petri dish.
3. Test other classroom areas with a cotton bud.
4. Seal the petri dishes with sticky tape.
5. Put the petri dishes in a warm place.
6. Watch bacteria grow...

 Thank you Chris, Edward's mother, for giving us all the petri dishes. 

We had a visitor

We were lucky enough to be visited by a member of the Armstead family, Gloria the bearded dragon. Bearded dragons are very trusting reptiles and will let you pick them up. They like eating mealworms, and like children, don't always like eating their vegetables. Gloria wasn't eating her carrots the day she visited.

Gloria's favourite food is.... cockroaches. She likes to chase them.

Friday, 13 September 2013


The last day for calendar orders is next week, Wednesday18th September.

Library Books for Sale!

Hey kids! The library is having a book sale next week every lunchtime Tuesday - Friday. Books cost 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 cents. 

Have fun finding some books you love.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Great Term 2 knoweldge!

Room 24 loved learning about gold mining life in the 1800s. Eve's mother emailed me Eve's answer  to a gold mining question on

Well done Eve!! You have a great memory for interesting facts!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Yoghurt Coolers

Thank you Dakota for bringing in yoghurt coolers for Room 24! You can put your yoghurt in it overnight, either in the fridge or freezer. It'll stay nice and cold all day. Yum, yum.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Butterfly Competition

Click here to view Room 24 Conservation Week entries.

If you go to Butterfly Creek's foyer, you can vote for Arahoe School. They are on Tom Pearce Drive by the airport, click here for the map.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Science Alive!!!

Yes it's science alive alright in Room 24.

Today for 'Facetime,' we took swabs (with cotton buds) around the classroom to check which areas had the most germs.
We will discover what item is the most infected and why... and what we can do about it.
In the classroom we have antibacterial soap, detergent, clean towels and antibacterial lotion - so everything and every finger will be as clean as a whistle (but whistles aren't clean says Rm 24!).
Our team of scientists are growing colonies of bacteria from our swabs in petri dishes, kindly supplied by Chris, Edward's mother. Chris works in a lab at Auckland University.

Edward and his guinnea pig

Inside the petri dishes is agar - a hard gelatine like substance, perfect for growing stuff. The dishes will be sealed shut so we can never open them again. We can only observe the results with our eyes...

Today for a treat Jake, Mrs Baird's BEAUTIFUL dalmatian, showed us his fetching skills. He was as fast as a.../He was fast like a... (can you think of a great simile)?

Thursday, 5 September 2013

'Groups of' Party

Today we had some lovely mini chocolate cupcakes delivered by Zayan and his grandma. They were all in rows - perfect for multiplication. We made rows of objects around the classroom to make 'groups of' maths stories.

Eve's English Adventure

We love having Eve back from England and Annika back from Germany. Here are some photos and a message from when Eve was in England:

Hi Mrs Tuck

I am having a great time in Nottingham.

It is very nice to see Grandma (though she is not very well).  She is very happy to see me and it has cheered her up a lot. 

I have also met some lovely cousins and some of dad’s old school friends. 

I also went to a fair in the town centre, and if the weather is nice we will be going to Twycross Zoo. 

I have attached a few pictures. 

I will see you in 1 week J

 Love from Eve (and Mum and Dad and Grandma)        

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

American Alligator

Look at Poppy's amazing alligator made out of just one egg carton and a bit of paper mâché. This along with Holly's blue mormon butterfly and many other Room 24 artworks are in a display for Conservation Week at Butterfly Creek.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

New Websites

Hi children, there are some new games to play under 'Websites.'

  • Under 'Reading,' you can read stories about Roy the zebra.

  • Under 'Term 3 Facetime,' there are also some health games.
Have fun!

A land fit for an African monarch

Well done Blaze for the fabulous land you made out of mud, grass and flowers - the African monarch butterflies look very happy there! Two of Room 24's reading groups have been creating entries for Butterfly Creek's Conservation Week competition. Blaze made this one at home.