Friday, 30 August 2013


Today a letter went home about calendars. If you want one, please pick your child's photo from the above 'Photos' page. Email me which one you'd like at and I will send you the big photo (more pixels). You can also choose a photo from home, if you wish. 

Then follow the Abacus website's instructions:

Go to , click on school orders and follow the instructions. You can also personalise text that can be added.

Thank you for remembering to bring the exact change to school in a named bag/envelope.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Eco Parents

Today we had an Eco Parent Meeting to hear about what children and parents would like to see in Arahoe's gardens and environment.

There were some great ideas and possibilities such as having:

  • a parent cooking group that can be emailed to come in and cook when veges are ready
  • vege soup to sell at lunchtimes
  • chickens kept at school
  • beehives at school (kept in the out of bounds area by the reserve)
  • waste free lunch boxes and a waste free school
  • colour coded recycling and compost bins with picture signs to make it easy to understand
  • a harvest festival stall at Gala Day (flower wreath competition, selling seedlings and comfrey tea)
  • a working bee held straight after Family Night (when families are free to help plant trees) 
If you would like to offer your suggestion or help, please email me on 
Any help or time to run the gardens would be greatly appreciated.

We enjoyed enjoyed eating coriander pizza and drinking mint punch - from Arahoe's vege garden. If you need any herbs, just send a note with your child, and I'll send some home.

'Walk and Wheels Day'

Wednesday is 'Walk and Wheels' day. Children are allowed to bring their scooter and race it on a track during lunchtime (supervised by a teacher). If you walk or 'wheel' to school, head to Room 17 before the morning bell to go in the drawer to win a prize (run all year).
Car drivers, thank you for dropping your child off early some days and walking the rest of the way. Your child can go into the competition as well.

Less use of fossil fuels and more use of our legs, is the way to go!

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Spare Clothes

Mud, glorious mud. We've had lots of slipping and sliding lately in the playground. Please bring in a bag of spare clothes for your child to hang on their cloakroom hanger, just in case an accident happens.
Thank you
Fleur Tuck

Calendar Photos

Thank you for bringing in your money for the ballistic challenge (due by 26th August).

Arahoe School is doing another fantastic fundraiser. You can buy a calendar or diary with your child's photo on the front. A great Christmas gift or self-gift! If you wish to order some, please select the photo you would like under our blog's 'Photos' page. There are some photos there already. I will put more up on the 'Photos' page over the week. The photos need to be landscape, not portrait so only landscape photos taken over the year will feature.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Parent Teacher Interviews

Coming up on Monday the 19th of August and Wednesday the 21st of August are parent teacher interviews. If you need an interview or have not booked an interview this year, please visit the Arahoe homepage to book a time with me.

Thank you
Fleur Tuck

Time and News

We are learning about telling the time. This week we found out about the history of clocks. We learned that long ago clocks only had one hand. One hand??? Yes, one hand!!! So it was tricky to show 2:10 (ten minutes past 2). That's why the minute hand was invented.

We learned that it was too confusing to add new numbers on clocks for minutes so instead the old numbers were used: '1' became a secret '5 minutes', 2 became a secret '10' minutes and so on. We counted in fives all the way up to 12. 12 fives make 60. There are 60 minutes in an hour. We learned the secret of telling time... shh:)

Today we practised working out how long a minute is (one minute is 60 seconds). We counted the first ten seconds together with Mrs Tuck's stopwatch, then we had to count in our heads to 60. When we thought we had exactly 60 seconds we stood up. Blaze stood up at exactly 60 seconds. That's AMAZING - well done Blaze!
Ka pai Holly, Star of the Day! Thank you for bringing in your news on your trip to Ohakune and the snow. We loved your self-typed recount and photos of your fun family adventure!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


The children of Room 13 and 24 did an absolutely fantastic job acting in front of the camera today. We learned all about "Action!" and acting with big movements and voices for the camera. We just can't wait to see the final product of our gold mining segment in Arahoe's New Zealand history film!


Muhammad has just finished Ramathan with his family, a Muslim tradition of fasting. He brought in some delicious food for us to share. Thank you, Muhammad!

Ballistic Challenge Assembly

Thank you children for practising your ballistic skills. Our top three students got to display their skills in front of Ara Teina. Well done Poppy, Marshall and Maya!



Sunday, 11 August 2013

This Tuesday

There has been a change in time in our filming on Tuesday. We are filming first thing in the day at Green Bay Beach for our gold mining segment of New Zealand's history.

Please drop your child off at 8:15-8:30am at Room 24 (the earlier, the better) so we can get them ready in their costume and make-up.

Thank you

Miss Korver and Fleur Tuck

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Letters home

A letter went home today about our film trip to Green Bay. I have posted a copy under 'Newsletters,' if you need it.

Tomorrow, another letter will go home about things we need for the gold mining film. This letter is also under 'Newsletters.'

The children have been asking some questions about the Ballistic Challenge. Here are the main points you need to know:

  • Practise your ball goal at school and at home (see 'Ballistic Challenge' page).
  • Find people to sponsor/give you money
  • Write them down on the form (see 'Ballistic Challenge' page)
  • Hand in your form no later than this Monday 5th August
  • On Tuesday 6th August, Ara Teina will show off their balls skills together
  • We will hand your form back to you
  • Collect money from the sponsors/people who agreed to give you money
  • You have until 26th August to hand it in. 
Enjoy practising your ball skills, kids!