Wednesday, 31 July 2013

100 Day Party

It was party time in Room 24 today. We celebrated our 100th day at school with a fractions extravaganza.

After eating a delicious array of food (thank you Room 24), we challenged ourselves to make the fractions we have been studying in class. With blocks and whiteboards, we made fractions and wrote them down. We had a great time looking at place value in 100s, 10s and 1s too!

Click on the photos to enlarge them.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Reminders and new dates

A great first day... what independent learners coming back from holidays! Room 24 children showed their initiative and positive assertiveness in their own learning by asking questions and by thinking through problems by themselves  - ka pai!

This week in the afternoons we will be finishing our props and practising parts for the upcoming gold mining filming.
Here are some reminders and new dates for things coming up (Ballistic reminders in black):

This week         
  • Due: Ballistic sponsorship forms due back to teachers (we will photocopy and give these back to you)
  • Wednesday: plate of food to share for the 100 Day Party
Week 2           
  • Tuesday – Ballistic Challenge for Teina (top 3 from each class get to show their improved skills to Ara Teina)
  • Please volunteer if you can be a parent-help to help with signing off children's individual goals.
  • Friday - Ballistic Showcase Day and PSG Food (details to come)
Week 3            
  • Calculate sponsorship form
  • Tuesday: drop your child off early for filming at 8:15am

Week 5             
  • Monday Due: Sponsorship money -  children to collect $ with completed form signed by a PSG delegate.
  • Friday assembly Ballistic prize draw    

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Welcome back!

Welcome back children. Guess what?! It's our class' 100 day party on Wednesday. We have been counting the days since the beginning of the year with iceblock sticks and a calendar. We bundled the sticks into tens and ones to help with our understanding of place value, addition and skip counting in fives and tens. It's been fun.

Please bring a plate of food to share on Wednesday. 

Thank you

Miss Korver and Mrs Tuck

PS Please keep up your essential list and basic facts practice. Your Term 3 weekly spelling lists are now available under 'Spelling Homework,' if you want a practice before school starts.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Happy Holidays

Happy holidays children! We started reading Roald Dahl's 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.' Thank you Finlay for bringing in the original version of the movie - what a treat for the last day of term!

To keep up your learning, here are some ideas you may like to follow over the holidays:

  • Reading - go to the New Lynn Library regularly - there is an easy-to-read children's section. At home, do a combination of reading to your parents and them reading to you. You may like Mum and Dad to read you a Roald Dahl chapter book each night. Think about how he writes.... does he use similes, good describing words, feelings...? What does he do that you could add to your writing?
  • Essential Spelling List words ('Spelling Homework' page) - practise five or more words everyday until you have mastered them. If you know these words then it will speed up your creative writing.
  • Maths - print basic facts sheets ('Basic Facts' page). Time yourself to do better each time. Practise the maths games under the 'Websites' page - there are new ones for each group: Cubes, Triangles, Pyramids and Spheres.
And finally, here's a photo and video from the last day of term... Miss Korver and I very much look forward to seeing you next term!

Miss Korver and Fleur Tuck
Room 24 like to learn even before the morning bell!

Click here for a star hula hoop performance by Paige that happened in the last 5 minutes of Friday!

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Fried Bread

For part of our Matariki celebration, we all took turns at making fried bread. It was delicious - Mrs Mack from the Howick Historical Village would have been proud of our home baking!

Mix a packet of scone mix with water. Fry in oil and then roll in sugar and cinnamon. 

Done... and yum.

Howick Historical Village

Girls first please! The boys had to let the girls go first for our trip to Howick Historical Park. We were greeted by people dressed in 1800s clothes. The village had many different houses, shacks, schools, halls, stores and wells.

First, we experienced an 1850s school lesson from Mrs Mack. The children got to learn about the British Empire and how to write on a slate.

Next, we played outdoor games. All the games were handmade out of wood. We were pretty good on the stilts.

Last, we made delicious butter and sang a rhyme to go with it:

Come butter come
Tasha waits at the gate
Waiting for some butter cake
Come butter come

It was a great day of finding out how gold miners and their families lived in the 1800s.

This week's learning

This week is a busy week of learning reflections and celebrations (Matariki and gold mining). There will be no spelling this week, however please continue to practise your basic facts and read every night.

Over the holidays, if you would like to do more learning, please practise your essential words (on the 'Spelling Homework' page). There are some tips on how to make it fun and how to keep the words in your longterm memory.

Fleur Tuck