Sunday, 31 March 2013

A great way to practise writing

We've been practising short and long vowel sentences. A silly sentence is read out and we write down how we think it sounds. We're getting really good at it!

Check out the new "Dictated Sentences" page at the top. We practise at school - you may like to have a go at home too. This is a listening exercise, so you will need a quiet place to listen to the sentences.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Ukulele on Thursdays

Tena koutou

For those children taking ukulele: just a reminder that ukulele lessons are on a Thursday at lunchtime. Please remember your ukulele. Mrs Sadgrove has told me that she will no longer be taking new or absent ukulele students so remember to bring your ukulele as your place in the group is hot property:) If you order an iceblock, I can save it for you to eat at afternoon play.

Happy strumming with the fantastically talented Mrs Sadgrove and Mr Ford!

Fleur Tuck

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Homework is fun

Hot off the press - here is a photo of Marshall doing his basic facts at home with fun colours.

Great work Marshall for keeping your homework fun and creative... you've even tied in art and handwriting, nice one.

Spare clothes and hat for school

Sometimes accidents can happen at school when you least expect them. Please bring in a bag of spare mufti clothes (top, pants, underwear, jumper and socks) to hang on your child's cloakroom hook for the rest of the year... just in case:)

Thank you if you have already brought in a bag of spare clothes.
Please also check that your child has a hat to wear to school. If the school hat has been misplaced, it is fine to wear a temporary mufti hat.
It is compulsory to wear a hat at school.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Basic facts and spelling on Thursday

Kia ora koe

Because this Friday is Good Friday, basic facts and spelling testing will take place on Thursday instead - a request from Room 24 children... they don't want to miss it!
  • Please keep practising your basic facts three times per week.
  • For spelling, practise the spelling list 3 times per week, including 1-3 words from the essential spelling lists. 

Friday, 22 March 2013

Cornwallis Beach Trip

Here are some slideshows and a video of our trip to Cornwallis Beach on Thursday.
Cornwallis Beach Trip on PhotoPeach Cornwallis Beach Trip II on PhotoPeach

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Magnetic boats

Swish swosh, slowly our magnetic boats moved along the water. We made mini boats today with the aid of Dakota's paper clip collection (thanks Dakota!). To make a magnetic boat you will need:
  • an iceblock stick
  • a paper clip
  • a tooth pick with a paper sail pushed through
  • blue-tak to stick things together
Once you assemble your boat. Place it carefully in the water with the sail sticking right up. Place a magnet near the boat - your boat will follow the magnet. Voila... no hands!

While we waited our turn we drew:
1) the design of the simple boat
2) a modified design of our dream boat with every extra gadget you can imagine - have a look at our topic books!

Monday, 11 March 2013


Here's things due/upcoming/thank yous:

  • "My Family" sheet
  • Your boat for the Cornwallis beach trip and permission slip and money for Cornwallis Trip (please see the bottom of the Ara Teina webpapge to click on the newsletter if it has gone missing)
  • This Friday we are celebrating "Green Day," please see the notice coming home... and dress in green.
Thank you for:
  • Practising your spelling list and 1-3 essential list words 3 times per week
  • Practising your basic facts 3 times per week
  • Reading your two new books every day
  • Reading your library book with your family
  • Reading your poetry book over the weekend and returning it on Monday to the poetry box
  • Visiting the educational websites on our blog
Remember, you will progress more in your learning at school if you practise at home so... practise practise every single week. Keep up the great work Room 24 and you will be set up for a fantastic life of learning.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Room 24 Zoo

Ahoi there mateys
You may have heard the news that Room 24 has new members! A rainbow lorikeet and many monarch caterpillars and chrysalises. We are looking after them while Mrs Reid is helping out at senior camp. The class have been very inquisitive, caring and respectful of the animals.

Ka pai Room 24:)

Rainbow Lorikeet
  • Is common in Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
  • Loro means parrot in Spanish -thank you to Poppy's family
Winston in his younger days
Monarch butterflies:

  •  are from North America
  •  are most famous for their lengthy migration from Mexico to Canada
  • live well in NZ and Australia too
  • like all insects, have six legs
  • live 2-6 weeks during the non migrating season
  • live 8 months during the migrating season

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Celebrating families

Kia kaha (Be strong!)

We have started a unit on understanding others, being good to each other and being friends. This unit is called Kia Kaha. Carl our local policeman will teach some sessions with Room 24 and all the other classes of Arahoe on great ways to get on with each other.

Already, we have learned what our special interests are... like Reuben loves anything to do with cars, buses, trains, planes and helicopters. Kellie loves going to the beach with her family.

Right now, we are finding out how families are the same but different. We are celebrating the differences and uniqueness of our lives away from school.

A sheet on your family will be in your child's bookbag. Please help your child fill in the sheet and bring it back by Friday... can't wait!